M.Sc. in Educational Leadership
MSc in Educational Leadership
The MSc in Educational Leadership – a program that prepares visionary leaders, catalysts for change, and influential policy makers equipped to shape the educational landscape of Kazakhstan and beyond.
About the Program
The MSc in Educational Leadership is a program that provides working education professionals with the skills, knowledge, and capacities necessary to lead for change within their work institutions, their professional communities, and the larger society. Students in the Program specialize in Higher Education, Inclusive Education, or School Education. In all three specializations, students develop an in-depth understanding of the national and international educational issues and debate relevant to their field of study, strategies for leadership and change management, and methodological approaches appropriate for researching educational topics important to both Kazakhstan and other international contexts. As a result of the successful program completion, each student designs, conducts, writes and presents his/her Master’s thesis research.

Form of Study
The MSc in Educational Leadership is a 2-year low-residency program with on-campus intensive sessions which last from 2 to 3 weeks and need students’ attendance usually from 10 am till 5 pm. Students usually are required to come to the intensive sessions twice per semester.

Program is relevant for
individuals working in universities, colleges, schools, public sector organizations, local educational departments, NGOs, international development organizations and other educational institutions. Following their completion of the Program, GSE graduates not only join various organizations,but also establish their own educational initiatives and projects.

After completing the Program, the students will be able to:
  • understand key educational trends, theories, issues, and debates for education reform in national, regional, and international contexts;
  • analyze educational reform policies, their contexts, and their significance at institutional, national, and international levels;
  • apply program learning directly to their work in their home institutions;
  • design and conduct a rigorous research project on an important national education topic of their choice;
  • develop strategies for leading and managing change in their workplace;
  • work collaboratively and productively in multilingual, multicultural contexts;
  • participate in professional and academic discussions and debates on education reform both within Kazakhstan and in international contexts.
The GSE MSc in Educational Leadership Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills to excel in the field of educational leadership. The major courses, including "Contextualizing Education Reform in Kazakhstan and Beyond", "Educational Leadership" and "Research Methods" provide a solid foundation in understanding the complex landscape of educational systems, effective leadership strategies, and rigorous research methodologies. The program further enhances specialization through required courses such as "Fundamentals of Education" and "Thesis Seminar" ensuring a deep dive into crucial aspects of educational theory and research. Moreover, the diverse range of elective courses, encompassing subjects like "Psychology of Learning", "Developing Inclusive Schools for an Inclusive Society" "Higher Education Policy Analysis and Development" and "Teacher Development and Identity" empowers students to tailor their learning experience to align with their specific interests and career aspirations. During 2-years of study, the students are supported by dedicated GSE Academic English Instructors.

Advantages of the Program
  • Opportunity to study without an interruption from work
  • Possibility to work as a Research Assistant during the study
  • Opportunity to attend national and international research conferences at no charge
  • The opportunity to study at a world-class campus with state-of-the-art facilities and learning technologies.
MSc Program in numbers
2 years of study
3 specializations
25 courses for each specialization
20 faculty members
MSc in Educational Leadership: Higher Education
This specialization will be relevant for professionals engaged with the tertiary education sector. This specialization provides policymakers, administrators, researchers, and faculty members working in universities, colleges and related institutions with the knowledge and skills required to lead for change within their institutions, their professions and the wider society. Graduates from this program specialization will be able to continue in advanced higher education study programs and develop their careers in the tertiary education sector and related organizations and apply for doctoral study programs to become academicians.

Dr. Durrani's Vision for Transformative School Education Program
MSc in Educational Leadership: Inclusive Education
Inclusive education specialization is concerned with promoting equitable quality education opportunities for all learners of all ages. This specialization will be relevant for professionals working on advancing equity in education for all students across all levels of education, which include pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary, and lifelong learning throughout adulthood. The MSc Inclusive Education specialization will allow graduates to apply for doctoral study programs and develop their careers in various educational organizations, governmental institutions, development agencies, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, social businesses and more.

Nazarbayev University's Graduate School of Education Programs—Where Every Individual Matters!
MSc in Educational Leadership: School Education
This specialization will be relevant for education policy makers, administrators, teachers, and specialists in assessment, curriculum and pedagogy working in schools and related institutions. Studies in this specialization will prepare graduates to design and lead education changes on the level of their organization, regionally and nationally. Graduates from this specialization will be able to pursue studies on the doctoral level as well as to advance in educational leadership positions in public and private spheres of secondary education.

About NUGSE programs
Understanding IREC (Institutional Research Ethics Committee): A Guide
By Guldana Bazarbayeva, 2nd-year student, Inclusive Education Program
Student Daniyar Sutzhanov about M.Sc. in Educational Leadership program
Gulnara Alexandrova, MSc program student: Why you should choose the MSc in Educational Leadership program?
Student Lydia Bemah about M.Sc. in Educational program
Student Nazerke Abdikarimova about MSc in Educational Leadership
Student Arailym Ongal about Msc in Educational Leadership
MSc in Educational Leadership
  • State grants and scholarship for international students for education
  • Conferences, workshops, and other academic and extracurricular activities
  • Monthly stipend and opportunities for
    research assistantships for PhD students
  • International residency for PhD students to work on PhD thesis
  • Internationally recognized and research-active faculty who deliver quality education in English
  • Great school facilities, library and sport center
  • Opportunity to be an author, peer-reviewer and editor of “NUGSE Research in Education” – a student-led peer-reviewed journal
  • More than 190 student clubs and societies at NU to develop creativity skills, personal and professional qualities
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General e-mail: gse@nu.edu.kz
53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan,
010000, Nazarbayev University