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Vision and Scope

Primarily focused on educational reform in Kazakhstan, this journal presents original, English-language, scholarly work in the form of empirical studies, critical article/book reviews, theoretical analysis papers and evaluative policy analysis papers. Published articles will fall broadly into these categories:
International cooperation
National and transnational policies
Administration/ Management
Vocational Educational Training Institutes
Minority issues
Gender issues
Leadership in education
Our Features
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  • Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
How to become an Author
Our authors tend to be graduate students or emerging scholars;
Authors must present original findings and analyses on educational topics important to them;
Interested authors should register at nugserie.nu.edu.kz.
How to become a Peer Reviewer
Our peer reviewers include graduate students, alumni and faculty.
Peer Reviewers must possess current knowledge of professional standards in one or more of the fields listed above;
Peer Reviewers should complete a one-time workshop with NUGSE student editors and faculty members.
Interested peer reviewers should register at nugserie.nu.edu.kz, being sure to indicate their research interests.
Submission Guidelines
Deadline for initial submission: September 15 for winter issue, January 30 for summer issue
Original research articles may range from about 2,000-6,000 words in length. Naturally, policy papers and article/book reviews are shorter and empirical studies are longer;
Papers should meet the journal’s aim and scope described above;
All submissions must include an abstract (75-150 words), keywords and references;

Manuscripts should be double spaced and follow APA style guidelines for citations, headings and tables.

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  • Преимущество 1. Расскажите, что отличает ваши услуги от услуг в других компаниях
  • Преимущество 2. Расскажите, чему вы уделяете больше всего внимания в работе с клиентами
  • Преимущество 3. Расскажите, в чем преимущество работы именно с вашей командой
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