About the Journal

Research in Education (NUGSERiE)


Vision and Scope

Primarily focused on educational reform in Kazakhstan, this journal presents original, English-language, scholarly work in the form of empirical studies, critical article/book reviews, theoretical analysis papers and evaluative policy analysis papers. Published articles will fall broadly into these categories:

  • Internationalization
  • Globalization
  • International cooperation
  • National and transnational policies
  • Administration/ Management
  • Finance
  • Vocational Educational Training Institutes
  • Curriculum
  • Mobility
  • Inclusion
  • Minority issues
  • Gender issues
  • Leadership in education
  • Others
How to become an Author

  • Our authors tend to be graduate students or emerging scholars;
  • Authors must present original findings and analyses on educational topics important to them;
  • Interested authors should register at gse.ce@nu.edu.kz
How to become
a Peer Reviewer

  • Our peer reviewers include graduate students, alumni and faculty.
  • Peer Reviewers must possess current knowledge of professional standards in one or more of the fields listed above;
  • Peer Reviewers should complete a one-time workshop with NUGSE student editors and faculty members.
  • Interested peer reviewers should register at gse.ce@nu.edu.kz, being sure to indicate their research interests.
Submission Guidelines

Title of critical analysis paper: No more than two lines
Short abstract (max. 200 words).
An original piece of research of between 3,000 - 4,000 words (including tables and references). We should expect to find:

Introduction that should provide a context for the research,
Literature Review that should critically survey relevant literature,
Methodologythat should include the data collection and data analysis methods,
Findings that should report on the relevant findings
Discussion that discuss the findings in light of previous research
Conclusion that focuses on the potential implications of the research.

If it is a theoretical paper methodology and findings may not be applicable.

Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 point [Double spaced]
In-text citations and Reference. These should follow APA7 format. Maximum of 40 references

Title of critical analysis paper: No more than two lines
Systematically analyze an existing educational policy, theory, methodology, data sets(s), or philosophy. An analysis, for example, is usually 1,000-2,000 words and may contain:
Brief summary of the history/context of the topic of interest (policy, theory, methodology, data set(s), philosophy)
Systematic analysis of its strengths and weaknesses
Emerging issues and questions raised by the topic
Evaluative recommendations for improvement or implementation

Analyze a book or article to offer new insights into, and interpretations of, the texts and its interpretations. It should be 1,000 - 2,000 words and may include the following:
Brief summary of the text; thorough analysis of the author's framework or methodology;
evaluative discussion of areas for improvement or application, any alternate, consenting of dissenting view on the issue.

Reflect on an educational experience you have had (e.g., a placement, exchange or conference) in a different educational environment. 1,000 - 2,000 words and may include the following:

How your understanding has changed on topics, skill or practice as a result of the experience.


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